Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Questionnaire for Interview with Dr Kalam by Wasbir Husain for Newslive TV

1. What thoughts cross your mind Dr Kalam when you come to a frontier region like the Northeast? I am asking this question because many here feel they are part of the periphery about which the core does not bother too much.

Ans: North Eastern states are extremely important part of our country. They are rich in biodiversity, natural resources and hardworking people. We have to inject science and technology to enable faster growth of the region.
2. Do you feel today, even remotely, that the idea of India is faced with challenges in view of the growing demand for separate states or autonomy by different groups and communities?

Ans: We have to ensure that there is a balanced growth of all the regions in the country.
3. We are all aware of the threats to India or the world by terrorism. Are you happy with the use of science and technology to combat terror?

Ans: Yes, Science and technology is an important tool for combating terrorism like any other form of warfare.
4. Some people, though few, have talked Pokhran 2 saying that was not successful after all. The Government of India however do not think so. What do you have to say?

Ans: The programme has been successful. The very fact the US has come forward for a Nuclear deal with India demonstrates its success.
5. You still think the youth in this country is restless. What is your prescription to calm the youths in India down, use their energy in the right way?

Ans: Youth have to be channeled into a productive task like India Vision 2020. They have to be inspired with the feeling that "I can do it", we can do it and the nation can do it.
6. Looking back, what in your own view has been the highpoint or highpoints in your Presidency? Any regrets at anything you thought of doing but failed to execute?

7. Are you honestly happy with the way parliamentary democracy in India is run or are you happy with the state of parliamentary democracy pr the politics in this country today?

Ans: Yes. India is maturing into a great democracy in the world. Whatever is happening is a process of evolution.
8. You have written that the sight of the mighty Brahmaputra had mesmerised you. Has Assam or the country have been able to do justice with the Brahmaputra?

Ans: We have to harness the great resources of Brahmaputra.
9. What is your vision of India ten years down the line?

Ans: India will be transformed into a developed country.
10. Do you really think Nukes are really necessary for a country like India or other nations with a similar state of the economy?

Ans: Strength respects strength
11. What has been India's greatest failures in the past decade or more? Why do you think so?

Ans: We have to harness our youth.
12. What thoughts cross your mind about our nation and people when you go to sleep every night?

Ans: India transforming into a developing country and seeing the smiles in the faces of billion people ? that is my dream.

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